ABA and the Neurodiversity Movement have very different histories and approaches.
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
ABA was developed in the 1960s, by psychologist Ole Ivar Lovaas and research scholar Robert Koegel. ABA was designed as a conversion therapy to eliminate external autistic traits so that an autistic person would appear less autistic and more like a non-autistic person (Lovaas et all, 1973).
At the same time, Lovass and Koegel co-created gay conversion therapy which was designed to have gay people present as heterosexual (Rekers et al, 1974). In both cases the needs and self-identities of the people targeted for change were not considered (Favell et al, 1987).
Unmet Needs
With an ABA framework, a child struggling may be described as having “behavior challenges.” A child may be viewed as disruptive to the environment and a problem that needs to be solved. The triggers of their unwanted behaviors may be researched. A trigger may be eliminated to end a behavior or considered in planning a behavioral intervention. Positive and/or negative reinforcements could be given to change behaviors.
Teaching Skills
A student who finds learning handwriting frustrating but wants to learn this skill, may be offered a reward for motivation. This reward may be access to a favorite activity or access to a favorite personal belonging if they practice this skill for a certain amount of time each day.
The Neurodiversity Movement
The Neurodiversity Movement which began in the 1990s, recognizes the world’s wide variety of neurotypes, and equally values each person (Singer, 2017). There is a goal to fix the systemic problems and obstacles in society that hinder the lives of NeuroDivergent People.
There can be an alignment and intersectionality between the LGBTQIA+ Movement and the Neurodiversity Movement. This is because both movements can appreciate and accept the wonderful variety of people (Walker, 2021).
Unmet Needs
Within a neurodiversity affirming framework a child struggling may be described as feeling “distressed.” A child may feel a stress reaction, overload, overwhelm, and/or seek relief from unmet needs. There would be an attempt to find any environmental problems that are hindering a child's success. A child’s needs and environment would be considered to offer them responsive supports.
Teaching Skills
A student who finds learning handwriting frustrating but wants to learn this skill would do so for the personal satisfaction of overcoming a challenging task. Access to a favorite activity or a favorite personal belonging would be available regardless, offering stability, and comfort, and supporting the child’s self regulation.